How to Score High on the SAT Essay

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Two things are required in order to do well on any college entrance test. The first is being fully familiar with the test, what is in it and how it works - before you enter the testing room. The second is to have a clear plan for each part of the test.

The SAT essay is somewhat formulaic in that you must have an introduction, a thesis statement, at least three paragraphs devloping the thesis - with evidence, and then a concluding paragraph. The trick is to learn to follow the formula while making your writing flow naturally. 

Start the essay with something that connects the reader to the topic (and do not write for the "teacher," write as if explaining something important to someone you respect). Then tie your opening line into your thesis statement. Clear and well-written thesis statements are vital, both for writing well and for any reader to grasp your topic. You can find good help for writing thesis statements online. Follow their advice and practice until you are fully familiar with developing thesis statements on a variety of topics.

For your body paragraphs, choose at least three clearly distinct and concrete pieces of evidence that back up your thesis. Keep your three paragraphs distinct from each other, with clearly different arguments for the same point. Including concrete and factual evidence. Include examples from life experience or from a movie, if pertinent. Keep your examples short and clearly applied to the thesis. 

Then, your concluding paragraph should breifly re-state the thesis, but using different words. Most importantly, always add a unique twist, connecting the topic of your essay to some larger issue or some deeper insight.

If you practice writing this type of essay to a variety of responses, you will be confident when you sit down to write the SAT essay. Being confident that you know what you are doing is key to doing well.


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