A Writing Course

Action Writing through Personal Narrative

Engage your readers with your words.

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Learn effective action writing through the development of your own personal narrative.

I Am Interested! 

Effective writing improves your success.
  • Students – receive a higher grade for your academic papers through action writing.

  • Story tellers – gain more readers enjoying your stories by applying the strength of action description in your own personal narrative.

  • Business people – win promotion in your job by the clarity and impact of your writing.

  • Copywriters - convince buyers with your conversational style using action dialogue and description.

  • Leaders – persuade people with the right words, words you already know but seldom use.

  • Teachers – impart effective writing skills to your students using action writing techniques through personal narrative.

  • Poetic lovers – win your love’s heart with sense action words that convey your deepest feelings.

Writing Is Fun

:boat:Daniel Yordy was born to teach people how to write. He understands how the English language works and can show you how to create effective and beautiful prose. Through clear instruction, expert editing, and thoughtful criticism, Daniel will help you develop and strengthen your own unique voice. For those who desire to wield the magic and glory of the written word, Daniel's instruction is an indispensable tool. Taking his course is one of the most worthwhile things I've ever done. - Matthew Schneider


Course Outline

Author Bio:

DanielYordySmall.gif I have been teaching effective writing skills since January of 1984. This course has been hammered out in the junior high, high school, and college classrooms over many years. What failed to improve student writing has vanished; what remains works.

Writing is not about grammar or correct English usage. Writing is not about expressing your “inward self.” Writing is about conveying the important ideas in your mind through your carefully chosen words. As your words enter the minds of your readers, they become your voice making your ideas now theirs.

Effective writing is your ideas received intact by your reader. Effective writing accomplishes your purposes – whatever those purposes might be. - Daniel Yordy, M. Ed.

Why Personal Narrative?
Write What You Know:
The first rule of writing is to write what you know. You know your own story. Because you know your own story, you simply write, focusing on what happened, the suspense, who said what, all without noticing the words or any of the "rules" of writing.

"The rules" greatly hinder writing. Too often people think, “If I don't write by ‘the rules,’ my writing stinks.” Not being sure of the rules, they don't write. But good writing comes out from the heart, not the grammar book. Once your good ideas are on paper, the rules slide gently in to make them great. The rules come last, but only as needed. Story and the meaning it carries come first.

Develop the Moment:
Once your story is on paper, you now develop the experience into something that will affect the reader. The biggest problem with rough drafts is they usually bore the reader to distraction. But your Narrative does not remain boring. Knowing well your own story, you turn your weak verbs into action and add character description and dialogue with ease. You picture the setting, and describe it with the right words. You find the twist that catches your reader into the suspense or the joy you felt.

Take Pride in Your Accomplishment:
It always amazes me what happens when students complete the final drafts of their Personal Narrative - what happens in them. As their reader, I may be astonished and moved by the power of their story, but it is they who are astonished and moved realizing the awesome story they have written.

It is there, when you have written your own story powerfully well, that the best idea enters your mind.

"I can write; I am a writer."

This course, “Action Writing through Personal Narrative,” gives you the essential elements of effective writing. You will proceed with confidence as a writer into further writing courses or tasks.

Just Write!

:rolleyes: I learned that writing can be fun. Mr. Yordy allowed us to let go of all the rules and "just write," as he would say. I enjoy his teaching style. He fine-tunes us down to the wire to make sure we are well-oiled writing machines, so my squishy brain can get a work out. It's given a challenge every time he gives an assignment. - Zach

Writing with Action

:nod: The first thing I learned was writing with action. In high school, all the teachers assumed everyone knew how to write, but this person was bad at writing essays. Essays were my lowest grades. In Mr. Yordy's class, I learned why my writing was horrible. He introduced us to action writing and boy, that made a change. Now, I write. - Cynthia

Let Me Know When the Course Is Ready!